
Why Study Industrial Hygiene Online at Montana Tech?  


Accredited Program, State-of-the-Art Facilities

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院最近建造了一个最先进的安全实验室,允许在课程中进行丰富的体验式学习练习. 我们的课程质量被认证安全专业人员委员会认可为合格的学术课程. 另外, 该项目由ABET应用与自然科学认证委员会(http://www.abet.org/), and is supported by a National Institute for Occupational Safety and 健康 Training Project Grant.

Advance Your Professional Area, While Continuing to Work in the Field

除了为期五天的实验室实习外,整个学位课程都是在线进行的. 该课程旨在为毕业生提供通过全球EHS认证委员会(正式名称为ABIH)管理的认证考试所需的学术准备。. 


我们制定了远程教育项目的入学标准,以确保学生的成功. 申请人必须拥有地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位,其中包括至少19个大学水平的数学和科学学分, (including first semester calculus and statistics), biology (including anatomy/physiology), chemistry (including organic chemistry), 和物理.

申请人在地区认可的学院或大学获得学士学位,如果他们持有认证工业卫生师(CIH),则可以证明他们有足够的数学和科学准备。, Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE), or Certified 健康 Physicist (CHP) credential, or *equivalent international professional certifications, or if they have completed an advanced 学位 in a science-based discipline.

一份包含两年安全和健康相关工作经验的简历也是进入这个项目的必要条件. 没有专业工作经验的学生可以申请我们的工业卫生硕士校园课程.

注册工业卫生师(CIH)的学生可豁免osh421工业卫生I. 这些学生将被要求完成34个学分的工业卫生远程学习学位. Students licensed as Certified Safety Professionals (CSP) may waive I.H. 5606 System Safety and Process Safety Management. 这些学生将需要完成工业卫生在线学位的34个学分. For students who are both a CIH and CSP, both OSH 421 and I.H. 5606可以免除,这些学生需要完成31个学分才能获得这个学位.

Strong Career Outcomes




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What is Industrial Hygiene? 

工业卫生学家在确保工作场所尽可能不受危害以及保护工人和整个社区免受潜在健康威胁方面发挥着重要作用. 此外, 工业卫生学家与管理部门合作,预测可能发生的问题,并在问题发生之前采取措施加以预防. 也, 工业卫生学家在制定和执行有关工人健康和安全的政府政策方面发挥着重要作用. 

What Kinds of Jobs do Industrial Hygienists Get?  

在选择健康/环境科学领域的职业时,工作多样性是一个主要的好处. 工业卫生学家有大量独特的就业机会. Unlike many other professions, industrial hygienists are not limited to one particular type of industry. They are employed in a variety of organizations such as public utilities, 政府, 学术界, 研究实验室, 医院, 保险公司, 咨询公司, 石油, chemical and manufacturing companies, 以及采矿作业. 

Explore Classes in Industrial Hygiene

The Industrial Hygiene 远程学习/Professional Track, M.S. 学位 includes coursework in chemical, 生物, 身体危害, 统计分析, advanced industrial toxicology, 流行病学, 和更多的. The 37-credit 学位 is structured to develop participative, 协作, 并应用解决问题的策略来解决现代职业健康问题. 

Learn More About Industrial Hygiene

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, 和更多的.


Get semester-by-semester info about industrial hygiene courses.


We're proud of our accreditation.

教师 member showing a student how to use safety equipment
工业卫生理学硕士.S. (校园)

校园M.S. 学位 is structured to encourage participative, 协作, 并应用解决问题的策略来解决现代职业健康问题.

Master's student pointing at a computer monitor
Project, 工程 and Management, MPEM (远程学习)


Student wearing safety glasses holding a jar in a 机械 engineering lab
Masters of 工程

This 学位 is an avenue for professional advancement and licensure. Choose from a dozen fields of study within engineering, 包括:公民 , 电, 环境, 地质, 地球物理, 岩土工程, 水文地质, 机械, metallurgical/minerals, 材料, 矿业, 和石油.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. 特里矛
MS IH 远程学习/Professional Track Program Manager
(406) 496-4897