
Learn how to process ores, separate valuable minerals into concentrates, produce and purify 金属, manufacture 金属 into products, 创建材料, and join materials together.

Why Study Metallurgical and Materials 工程?

现代社会和安全的生存和持续进步取决于新技术的发展和材料的可用性. With a 学位 in metallurgical and materials engineering, 我们的毕业生进入劳动力市场,准备在可持续发展和自然资源利用等领域产生直接影响, 国防, and the development of advanced materials. 

What Type of Skills Do You Need?

You’ll need to be inquisitive and want to know how things work. If you are hard-working and love to be challenged, 冶金与材料工程专业可能很适合你. Skills in oral and written communication, aptitude for math and physics, 对应用化学的热爱也是这个项目需要具备的良好技能.

Hands-On, Experiential Learning

冶金与材料工程专业的学生通过一系列的实验室学习创新的奇迹,以及如何操纵材料以满足现代需求. As one of Montana Tech’s lab-based “heritage programs,学生通过在强调实践性的实验室中“动手”体验式学习来强化理论概念, industry-based exercises.

High-Demand Career Field

很多行业都有工作机会, 金属 and materials are produced and consumed. These industries include but are not limited to mining, 制造业, 石油, iron/steel making, 汽车, 回收, 化学物质, 论文/纸浆, 航空航天, 维护, 腐蚀, 取证, 和更多的. 




先进材料加工中心(营) 在学年期间提供带薪和无薪 实习.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021年,材料工程师的平均年薪约为102美元,000. 目前,工业对材料工程师的需求异常强劲,由于从化石燃料为基础的能源向以材料为基础的可再生能源的转变,预计未来十年将大幅增加,  the need to revitalize the domestic extractive industries, 对先进生物材料和电子材料的需求不断增长.

Research in Center for Advanced Materials Processing  (营)

先进材料加工中心(营)是蒙大拿大学系统指定的卓越研究和教育中心. CAMP是分析测试实验室和材料测试实验室的所在地. 它还为大型、多项目的研究项目提供管理服务.

Three Minors Available

通过辅修材料科学来提高你的工业就业和职业机会, Extractive Metallurgy, or Mineral Processing.

Strong Career Outcomes

See our outcomes.

工程 认证 Commission of ABET
20 Innovative Labs on Campus

What is Metallurgical and Materials 工程?

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院, 冶金与材料工程是一个混合理学学士课程,涵盖并整合了材料科学和工艺工程的所有重要方面.

What Kinds of Jobs Do Metallurgical and Materials 工程师s Get?

这是一个有着无限职业可能性和赚钱潜力的领域. 很多行业都有工作机会, 金属, and materials are produced and consumed. 

Engaged 教师 with Experience and Expertise
$104,100 Median Annual Salary

For Materials 工程师s, 2023

1 of 6 Universities

给B.S. 冶金工程,重点是萃取冶金 & Mineral Processing 工程.

Explore Classes in Metallurgical and Materials 工程

冶金与材料工程包括矿物的五个学科, 金属材料加工制造:矿物加工, Extractive Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Materials Science, and Joining/Welding Metallurgy.

Learn More About Metallurgical and Materials 工程

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, 和更多的.

认证 Data

B.S. 在 冶金与材料工程 是由ABET认证.



Two people using equipment in a nano-technology lab
Mechanical 工程

学习设计和建造从小型设备到航天器的机器,并为需求做好准备, 高薪职业.

Environmental 工程

Focus on pollution prevention, 可持续性, water and air quality, waste water treatment, and land and soil restoration.

Hand adjusting a dial on electrical engineering equipment
Electrical 工程

Go further with advanced study of energy and power, automation and controls, signal processing, and instrumentation.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. 杰瑞·唐尼
Goldcorp Professor of Extractive Metallurgy Campus Director