Jessica AndrioloResearch Associate and Affiliated Assistant Professor

1300 West Park Street, Butte, MT 59701


Dr. Jessica Andriolo has a B.S. degree in Cell Biology and Neuroscience and a M.S. degree in Health Sciences from Montana State University. During her doctoral studies, Dr. Andriolo在蒙大拿技术纳米技术实验室(MTNL)完成了她的大部分研究,并往返于蒙大拿大学完成她的课程. She received a Ph.D. from the Individualized Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Montana. Dr. Andriolo目前是机械工程系的研究助理和附属助理教授,并在生物科学和机械工程系授课.

Dr. Andriolo’s Ph.D. research focused on four key areas. In the first, 她描述了菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的研究人员发明的一种纳米级佐剂,这种佐剂可以增强噬菌体的抗菌活性. The second area of her Ph.D. 研究提供的实验结果详细说明了噬菌体和佐剂的相互作用, 接着是第三部分,提供佐剂的毒性概况. 100多年前,噬菌体被用来治疗人类的细菌感染. 根据纳米级佐剂的毒性特征,证明了其高生物相容性, the fourth key area of Dr. Andriolo的研究重点是制造一种电纺丝聚合物绷带,设计用于控制纳米级佐剂的时间释放,随后是噬菌体,为抗菌治疗提供了高效的药物释放谱. 她的博士研究成果包括四篇相关出版物和两项授权专利.

Recent Courses Taught

  • EMEC 491 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Undergraduate
  • EMEC 591 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Graduate
  • BIOB 101 Discover Biology
  • BIOB 161 Principles of Living Systems Laboratory

Research Interests

Presently, Dr. Andriolo的研究包括制造光活化药物输送绷带和光催化脱氮过滤器, light-scattering for photocatalysis, 用于金属和稀土提取的环保纳米颗粒的合成, micellar rare earth detection via luminescence, 以及用于治疗的抗病毒添加剂的开发. 她还协助本科生和研究生在MTNL完成与静电纺丝相关的研究成果, perovskites, solar cell fabrication, self-healing polymers, anti-biofouling technologies, catalysis, and high surface area electrodes. Dr. Andriolo特别喜欢电子显微镜,她的照片赢得了几个显微摄影奖.

Select Publications

“在反渗透中,聚多巴胺-铜隔离剂可以延长寿命,防止生物污染,” Amos Taiswa, Jessica M. Andriolo, Katherine R. Zodrow, Jack L. Skinner, Water Supply, September 2022.

碳纳米颗粒诱导的水-空气界面脂质单层结构的变化," Nida Shaikh, Jessica M. Andriolo, Jack L. 斯金纳,罗伯特·沃克,物理化学杂志B, 2022年7月.

“Ag/g-C3N4复合材料在紫外和可见光下的光催化还原硝酸盐水溶液”,S.J.P. Varapragasam, J.M. Andriolo, J.L. Skinner, and E.M. Grumstrup, ACS Omega, December 2021.

联合静电和空气驱动的生物医学应用静电纺丝机,L.G. Huston, E.A. Kooistra-Manning, J.L. Skinner, and J.M. Andriolo, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 2019年11月(由美国物理学会和健康热线特写, Editors Pick for JVSTB, Most Read in JVSTB, Best Journal Article Award).

纳米金掺杂聚合物的体块和局部等离子体加热,纳米金掺杂聚合物的体块和局部等离子体加热,” J.M. Andriolo, M.L. Joseph, M.H. Griep, and J.L. Skinner, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, November 2019 (Figure Featured on the Cover of JVSTB).

“光激活的纳米金掺杂聚合物的等离子体响应”,J.M. Andriolo, M.L. Joseph, M.C. Brockway, and J.L. Skinner, MRS Advances, June 2019.

“Electrospinning for nano to mesoscale photonic structures,” J. L. Skinner, J. M. Andriolo, J. P. Murphy, and B. M. Ross, Nanophotonics, December 2016.

“用于改善噬菌体治疗的掺铁磷灰石纳米颗粒”,J. M. Andriolo, R. M. Hensleigh, C. A. McConnell, M. Pedulla, K. Hailer, R. Kasinath, G. Wyss, W. Gleason, and J. L. Skinner, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 06FD01, September 2014 (Top 5 Most Read in JVST B).


US Patent No. 11191721, “用于抗菌应用的小尺度形态材料的颗粒输送。,” Priority Date: May 23, 2019.

US Patent No. 10532070, 铁掺杂磷灰石纳米颗粒的抗病毒成分和应用,” Priority Date: February 22, 2018.

US Patent No. 10392612, 通过小尺度形态材料的颗粒传输方法,” Priority Date: May 26, 2016.